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Thursday, June 21, 2012

Hearty Congratulations Prateeka!

A happy Prabhava student ,Prateeka,who secured distinction at ISE -1 Trinity College London ESOL exams last November , walks off with a laptop and a wide smile, after winning the second place among forty thousand participants  across 14 countries in International English Olympiad recently.

Prateeka is a poet and a  writer and  right from her fourline rhymes on the Prabhava board ,her writings are  published in Prabhava blog.
We are looking forward for more  poems and stories from Prateeka;s new laptop. Simply Because, we love to read them!
Prabhava once again  wishes the BEST to PRATEEKA ,her happy parents and  her naughty brother Pranav, who is been her inspiration to be a  creative writer 
like him self.
Also, for being her  GREAT critic, all the way..:-))
Prateeka D. Reddy, ISE -2 student, Trinity College London ESOL ,Prabhava
Pranav D.Reddy, ISE-3 .

Prabhava,Books and Beyond ! * All rights reserved.